# Hello. I'm Bill Westerman. Welcome to my website, where I write about technology, productivity, being too tall, beer tasting, and whatever else comes to mind. Here are some of my favorites: | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ![[cover-gsd.jpg]]<br>**Getting sh-t done:** A simple and [[getting sh-t done\|highly effective method]] for productivity | ![[cover-tall.jpg]]<br>**Too damn tall:** What it's like to be [[too damn tall\|too tall]] for planet Earth<br> | | ![[cover-beer.jpg]]<br>**The beer list:** Chronicling my [[beer list\|barstool hopping]] across the globe | ![[cover-fold.jpg]]<br>**Galaxy Fold Notes:** Detailed thoughts on the [[galaxy fold\|Samsung Galaxy Z Fold]] series | | ![[cover-cars.jpg]]<br>**Self-driving silliness:** The flip side of [[the flipside of autonomy\|autonomous vehicles]] | ![[cover-editor.jpg]]<br>**Writing a bespoke text editor:** [[bespoke text editor\|What I made]] before finding [Obsidian](http://obsidian.md) | | | | **Want more of this madness?** Check out the sections on the left (or Ξ menu on mobile) for lots more writing **Elsewhere:** Other things on the web worth [[elsewhere|checking out]]